
You can use this form to book places on activity days at Bredon Forest School. Please note that places on these sessions are limited, so submission of this booking form is not a guarantee that your child(ren) will get a place.

Because of the nature of the woodland in places sturdy footwear, long sleeved shirts and trousers are essential. Water is available to play with and mud will be made! Your children may get very dirty and wet - please bear this in mind!

Fun Day sessions run from 10am to 2pm with optional hotdog lunch served from 12:30-1pm. Sessions cost £10 per Fun Day, £1 for hot dog.

You will be required to sign your children in on arrival, and to leave an emergency contact number if you are not staying with your children.

Please make sure you click on the Book Now button at the end of this form to send the form in.

Note: if you cannot get this form to work, we have a PDF Form you can download and fill in by hand.

Your Details

Activity Dates

Please tick the dates that you wish to attend.

Late booking : if you are booking less than 24 hours before the start of a session, please also contact us via phone, message or WhatsApp to make sure we can process your booking in time.

Wed 16-Apr-25 : Holiday Fun Day
Thu 17-Apr-25 : Holiday Fun Day
Tue 22-Apr-25 : Holiday Fun Day
Thu 24-Apr-25 : Holiday Fun Day

Details of those attending

Names and school year are needed for all children.

We will assume your child would like a hot dog lunch unless you untick the box.

A limited number of waterproof dungarees are available for age 4-7, please email us separately if you need these.

Hot Dog lunch

Hot Dog lunch

Hot Dog lunch

Hot Dog lunch

Personal Record Sheets

Personal Record Sheets are required for anyone who has not been before or has not attended in the last 12 months. We don't need one every time you come!

I need to complete at least one Personal Record Sheet at the end of this application.


Once your place is confirmed, please pay via bank transfer if possible: BACS Bredon Forest School sort code 30-91-87 account 04566383. If paying by cheque, please make cheques payable to Bredon Forest School and send to: Owl, 4 Waterloo Way, Bredon, Tewkesbury, GL20 7UA.


I have read and explained the Forest School Rules to my child and we agree to abide by them.

I will send my child with drinks, snacks and clothing suitable for the length of stay and the expected weather conditions (fresh water is available).


When you have completed the form, click the button below to make your booking. Please remember that spaces are limited, we will contact you soon to confirm your booking if we have not already done so.

If the form does not 'go' then please check for any red error messages which might indicate you have missed filling something in.